Phi Kappa Psi - Penn Pi - Temple University

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Rabbi Wexler Checks in From Florida

Brandon Wexler and fiancee Melissa get ready to go to their private island.

Brandon's fiance Melissa and their newly adopted son - Spike Lee

In his own words:

“I was working for Schwab Capital Markets for roughly twelve years. The firm was bought by UBS and I was extended a offer, but turned it down. I am now living in South Florida with my fiancé Melissa and we own our own company. It is called BJOY, it is a clothing manufacturer/wholesale company. While I was up North I was Volunteer Firefighter in Chatham, New Jersey. I loved it so much I will be going to the Coral Springs Fire academy down here in Jan 06 to hopefully go on to be a paid firefighter/paramedic by next year at this time.”

Wexler has also extended the offer to all Phi Psis to ride his Harley.


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