Phi Kappa Psi - Penn Pi - Temple University

Friday, September 17, 2004

The Enigma That is Winkel

Pete Winkel [also Conallen, Oswald, & Burdick ]

Pete Winkel [ click on the image to see Winkel and Burdick ]

True to form, Winkel has send this brief communique :

"I live in Baltimore but I'll be doing a lot of travelling for work in the near future."

10 Points For Pronouncing His Name Correctly

Not Randall Gaboriault

Mr. Gaboriault is the Director of Information Technology for Teleflex Incorporated; he has held the post since early 1998. His position at Teleflex concentrates on leading the strategic and tactical use of technology on a global basis in conjunction with the business market strategy. This includes information systems, e-commerce and the Internet. Additionally, Mr. Gaboriault is a member of the Teleflex corporate management team working with the M&A group and participating in the development of business strategy. Mr. Gaboriault graduated from Temple University and served as a member of the Board of Trustees. Prior to Teleflex, Mr. Gaboriault managed his own technology consulting practice and is also a founding principal in a Philadelphia based internet service provider and data security firm which he has since sold. Mr. Gaboriault has spoken at technology related conferences and is regarded for his expertise in the Internet arena.

"I work...too much, have family and like fast expensive cars"

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Phi Psi Scrub

Zach Braff - Phi Psi

Yes. We know. He's not an alum of our chapter. But it was brought to our attention that Zach is/was a Phi Psi at Northwestern University.

Maybe Guiley can write him into one of his scripts?

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Herskovitz Checks In!

Where to begin…well, one day in the fall of 1992 I began driving on the PA turnpike going west, the next thing I know I’m in Denver CO. and haven’t left. I currently live in a town called Thornton which is north of Denver and south of Boulder where Colorado University is located.

Jon Herskovitz

Ok, you probably want a little more.

What am I up to?

Currently I am with Level3 Communications (perhaps you have seen our commercials with Sean Connery?) Basically we supply broadband services for phone an internet companies around the world, (if you’re still confused, we make your internet work). I have worked my way up the corporate ladder to senior analyst in the Customer Financial Services Dept where I work my ass off provisioning/de-provisioning services, as well as dealing with the administrative crap of running a team (damn the man!) I have been with Level3 for six years which in itself is remarkable considering the dot com market crash and my overall disdain for people in general.

Jon Herskovitz

Aside from that, I spend my leisure time enjoying God’s country here. From skiing (ok snowboarding) in the winter, to hiking, biking, skating, and pretty much anything else you can do outdoors, after all it is sunny skies here 300 days a year. When I am not doing this, I am in gym so I maybe balding but speak for yourself on the getting fatter part.

Jon Herskovitz

Personal life. Let’s just say some things never change… One thing we don’t have here in CO is East Coast girls, so if you or anyone else knows of some single woman who wants to make a trip….

Jon Herskovitz

I am doing this on my lunch hour so if I remember anything else, I’ll let you know. Hope to hear from you and everyone else soon…..

Jon Herskovitz
Badge #24

Drifting in the Aether

Steve Suranie & Family

I found a used chamber pot
journalist at night

student loans are due
I teach myself graphic design stuff
get contracted job

old job gone, new job
take a trip to Africa
return, marriage, unemployed

visit Amazon
get malaria attack
almost die of ignorance

freelance done, new job
working my tail bone off
sea kayak obsession

no more bonuses
the bubble has really crashed
corporate burnout

I am consulting
what do you mean your pregnant
fatherhood is grand

hello corporate world
what do you mean your pregnant
a boy, a girl, cool

I write a kid's book
that no one wants to publish
I still think it's good

living in the burbs
white picket fence, two kids, two cars
getting restless for a change

career on cruise control
what do you mean you're pregnant
oh my God, it's twins

thinking of next move
want to be own boss again
planning stages begun

- Steve Suranie

He Always Was Good With The Writing Thing

Derek & Shelly Guiley

Derek & Shelly Guiley

Derek & Shelly Guiley

Derek Guiley # 75 now resides in Sherman Oaks, CA (the porn capital of the world) with my lovely wife Shelly and 2 1/2 cats (a cat who lives in our backyard came with the house -- so did a lemon tree). He and his writing partner are currently writing an action comedy for Fox called TEST DRIVE and are also in the process of setting up a few TV projects (both of them are 1/2 hour sitcoms). As a new home owner, his latest obsession is the lawn. Digging holes, planting stuff, pulling weeds, trimming hedges, sawing branches, mulching, then watching all of it turn to shit.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Vote! It's The American Thing To DO!

Tony Thurmond for Richmond City Council
“Leadership for a Change”

Tony Thurmond



The City of Richmond needs to have “Leadership for a Change”. If elected I will provide high quality, professional, and ethical leadership that the citizens of Richmond can be proud of at all times. I will draw upon more than 10 years of experience in non profit management to make the right choices around budget management, trouble shooting problems, listening to and engaging the help of the citizens, and developing a comprehensive vision and plan for restoring Richmond’s Pride and Purpose.

Effective Government

I will work to ensure that the people of Richmond have a city government that is effective and efficient in all of its dealings. My first step will be to ensure that all the interim positions in the City of Richmond management structure get filled by qualified and talented managers who know how to get the job done right. The performance of these individuals will be reviewed regularly, and I will also draw upon my program development experience from the non-profit management world to look at ways to make governmenent services as efficient and cost effective as possible. I’ve worked with several elected officials and representatives from government at the local, state, and federal levels. I plan to continue working closely with elected leaders of other Bay area cities to position the City of Richmond to benefit from trends and best practices taking place in other parts of the region.

Fiscal Management

Never again should the people of Richmond be told by their leaders that no one knows where the money went or why we have a deficit. If elected, my top priority will be the sound oversight of how our tax dollars are spent, so that we get the most that we can expect in terms of services from our city. As a non-profit program manager and appointee to a county youth funding committee, I’ve successfully balanced budgets, allocated funds, and maintained spending within budgetary limits. I will also ensure that Richmond has regular independent audits and as needed I will work to develop a citizen financial oversight board to create greater safeguards.

Economic Development

The City of Richmond needs a plan to attract and retain businesses that will provide the city with new revenue, jobs, and services for residents. If elected, I will commission business and industry led teams charged with identifying new economic development opportunities that meet Richmond’s needs. I’m currently supporting the development of an initiative to provide job training and placement for low-income Richmond residents who wish to work in the Biotechnology industry, and to help immigrant women in West County start their own businesses.

Together with business people, residents, community groups, and Richmond’s economic development agency, we will implement a plan that builds on Richmond’s great assets and helps to position Richmond for future economic prosperity. I will also work closely with local and national foundations to identify additional funding resources for stimulating economic growth and for providing services to Richmond constituents.

Violence Prevention and Neighborhood Safety

All Richmond residents deserve to be safe and to enjoy a quality of life free from fear and violence. I plan to work closely with the Richmond Police Department to support community-policing efforts and to develop solutions for making neighborhoods safer. I will also work closely with Richmond town watch groups, neighborhood councils, and non-profit organizations so that the voice of citizens can be heard loud and clear as we address these challenges.

I’ve coordinated numerous after school programs and walked a beat as a uniformed crime prevention ambassador, so I know that violence prevention in Richmond will require a long-term focus and an approach that utilizes a diverse mix of resources and strategies. To that end, I will seek to promote job opportunities and after school programs for youth and to work with foundations, community based organizations, social policy groups, and research institutions to identify other violence prevention strategies that are working in other cities and employ those strategies in Richmond.


For the sake of our children and the sake of the future of our city we must improve our education system now! I plan to work closely with the West Contra Costa Unified School (WCCUSD) District Board to advocate for our youth and to ensure that the WCCUSD Board members put forth their best efforts for educating Richmond youth. I have coordinated several after school, mentoring, and academic enrichment programs in which I’ve leveraged resources for supporting the efforts of local school districts. I will look to create new partnerships with local universities, teacher training programs, foundations, youth serving organizations, and employee volunteer groups that result in a greater mix of services being available to support tutoring, after school programs, and the academic achievement of the children in our schools.
Experience and Training

  • Contra Costa County Family and Children’s Trust Committee member since 2003
  • 10 years of successful non-profit management experience
  • Master of Law and Social Policy Degree
  • Master of Social Service Degree (Emphasis on Advocacy, Planning, and Program Development)


  • May Valley Neighborhood Council, Member
  • Creating Economic Opportunities for Women (CEO), Advisory Board Member
  • Oakland Unified School District Heroes Program, Volunteer
  • Contra Costa County Democratic Coordinated Campaign, Volunteer
  • Newsom for Mayor Campaign, Volunteer
  • Barbara Lee for Congress Campaign, Volunteer
  • Barbara Boxer for Senate Campaign, Volunteer


Tony Thurmond is a Bay area native who was born in Monterey and lived in San Jose until the age of six. After Tony’s mother, a former teacher and single mother lost her battle to Cancer in 1974, Tony moved to Philadelphia, PA where he was adopted and raised by his cousin Diana Krajewski, and Tony’s step father, Donald Krajewski. Diana and Donald Krajewski (both campus police officers for more than 20 years) taught their son Tony the value of hard work, responsibility, and making sacrifices to get things done. Tony is also the proud brother to Terence in San Jose, Jerome in Encinitas CA, Rena in New York City, and Ayana in Philadelphia.

Tony was first turned on to politics during his tenure as Student Body President for the 30,000 students at Temple University (Philadelphia, PA) where he received a BA in Psychology. Tony did his graduate work at Bryn Maw College (Bryn Mawr, PA) where he received dual Masters Degrees in Law and Social Policy and Social Work. After a successful career in the Philadelphia area that spanned the disciplines of social work, education, and non profit management, Tony returned to the Bay area and has lived there with his wife Kristin since 1998. Kristin and Tony made Richmond their home in 2000 and are raising their toddler daughter Maya there. While back in the Bay area Tony has continued working for non-profit causes, particularly education, mentoring, and other programs to support youth. When he isn’t working or involved in political causes, Tony enjoys watching and playing sports and spending time with Kristin and Maya and friends in the scenic Bay area. Tony is also a trained actor who has appeared in a national cable commercial and in numerous training videos for Bay area corporations and non-profit causes. Tony also loves music and has sung on stage with his Jazz musician brother Jerome Dawson (, a pop-rock band, and the Glide gospel ensemble in San Francisco.

Contact for More Information
510.223.4394 |

Send donations c/o:

The Committee to Elect Tony Thurmond
3409 Maywood Drive
Richmond, CA 94803

Deb Torticill, Campaign Treasurer


This is an attempt to create an online presence for the now defunct chapter of Phi Kappa Psi - Penn Pi chapter at Temple University. Though the chapter no longer exists on Temple's campus, the members who comprised this fine organization have gone on to bigger and better things and always reminisce about the "good ol' days". In the coming days, we will attempt to get updates on what is going on with the brothers of Penn Pi.

As you may know, I (just like the rest of you) am getting old(er). Hence the need to reminisce and hold to any bit of youth and happy memories I have had. Some of my best memories were as a pledge and as a brother at Penn Pi (special thanks to Steve Caponi and that night we spent in the attic of 2131 N. Broad Street on that cold winter night where we had to use the warmth of our body heat to stay alive - but I digress.I have started a weblog -

(or "blog" for all of you in the know) dedicated to keeping all Penn Pi members updated on what is going on with each other. I just started the site today and will upload Tony's campaign run as the first post.

Please send me a current picture of you and your spouse/significant other kids/pets etc., your badge #, your hometown, any developments in your personal life that you'd like to share (i.e. births, marriages, change of lifestyle etc.) and I will post it up on the site.

If any of you are computer savvy and wish to be added as a "member" that means you can post your own stuff without me getting involved, let me know and i can set you up with a user name and password etc.

So start sending me stuff!