Phi Kappa Psi - Penn Pi - Temple University

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Josh Moves on Up

Our favorite Phi Psi lawyer checks in with this which was reported in the Buffalo News.

An Albany lawyer with a reputation as a troubleshooter has been named chief executive officer of the State Liquor Authority, an agency under investigation by the state attorney general's office for failing to enforce its own laws on alcohol sales.

Joshua B. Toas was named to the newly created post Monday, according to an e-mail message sent to SLA employees by Edward F. Kelly, chairman of the state agency.

Gov. George E. Pataki's office confirmed Toas' appointment Tuesday evening.

"Josh Toas is a trusted and valued member of the administration, and the governor is confident that his leadership and impressive record of accomplishments will serve the State Liquor Authority well," said Pataki spokesman Saleem M. Cheeks.

Sources in the Pataki administration say Toas was named to beef up enforcement efforts in the troubled agency.

Toas was most recently deputy executive director of the state agency overseeing science, technology and academic research, and before that was executive deputy commissioner of the state's Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services.

A state official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the changes are coming to the SLA to "help move the agency in another direction, in particular with respect to improving their enforcement efforts."

His appointment comes after The Buffalo News last summer reported that SLA officials had ignored the widespread practice of alcohol wholesalers' and suppliers' paying off favored retailers with illegal deep discounts, cash and trips to wineries.

Witnesses testified about the lack of enforcement at a later Assembly hearing, and in October, Attorney General Eliot L. Spitzer confirmed that his office had undertaken a major investigation of the SLA and the liquor industry.

Prosecutors from Spitzer's office have issued a number of subpoenas to wholesalers and distributors, and retailers say the illegal pricing, as practiced in the past, already has stopped.

Left uncertain about Toas' appointment is the future role of Kelly, who is paid $120,000 to run the agency, along with two commissioners - Lawrence J. Gedda and Joseph E. Zarriello - who are paid $80,000 each.

Albany sources said they expected that Kelly, 71, and other senior agency officials will soon be retiring or moving on.

Assembly Majority Leader Paul A. Tokasz, D-Cheektowaga, said the newly created position came as a surprise to him.

"Obviously, the State Liquor Authority in the Buffalo area doesn't appear to be doing its job," Tokasz said. "Employees have complained to me about a lack of enforcement, a lack of staff. I think the agency in general is going downhill."

Toas, a captain in the Army Reserve's Judge Advocate General's Corps, recently served a tour of duty in Iraq.

He is a former assistant secretary of state, assistant counsel to the governor and associate counsel of the State Senate.

Active in Republican national politics, Toas served as a floor manager for Republicans during the 2000 presidential election recount in Dade County, Fla.

Paul W. Zuber, a lobbyist who works with the liquor industry through the firm Powers Crane & Co., said that he knows Toas well and that he brings a reputation for solving problems in government. "I feel he'll do an outstanding job," Zuber said. "I'll enjoy working with him."

That's All Folks

It was bound to happen. I've run out of old pictures of you knuckleheads. At least the ones that I can post on the site here. If you have any sitting at home (or at your parent's place gathering dust) send them to me.

With that, I present the last of the pictures from memory lane - pictures from a formal, held at some hotel. As usual, click on the images to see a larger view.

This is one of my favorite pictures - for two reasons. Well actually for several reasons. 1) In what some would say is an apocryphal sign, Derek places his hand on James' bald head thus siphoning the power that would make itself known years later on Derek's own head. (I keed, I keed). 2) I love the how the woman with Derek is caught in mid pose as she is amount to plant a kiss on Derek's cheek. Lastly, 3) James is shown with his then paramour, Denise (?). Can I tell you ever since that day, every time I hear Eric Clapton's "Wonderful Tonight", I always think of these two dancing to the song. Don't ask me why.

Krajewski chilling with some honey's.

Paul gestures as to how much he loves the party.

Borenstein poses with a female friend. (Borenstein where the hell are you? I haven't heard from you in ages! Give me a call or at least send me an email!)

White boys can't dance.

The Need For Speed

Rich Phillips checks in with some pictures (sorry for not getting to these earlier Rich - bogged down with work and composing strongly worded letters to Steve Caponi).

Brothers, here are some photos of the NASCAR race at Richmond with Keith Green and Jimmy Jordan. Matt Felker could not make it, but he says he will be there next year!

For those who do not know, Keith is the Director of Public Relations for the Richmond International Raceway. The track is owned by the International Speedway Corporation (ISC) who are owned by the France family (the founders of NASCAR). Needless to say Keith is doing quite well and is well entrenched in an organization that had unlimited growth.

Keith has been graciously hosting this event for Tracy (my wife) and me since 2001. He has gotten us great seats, pit and garage area access and sometimes media access for each race. This is one hell of a way to see a race! You really see all of the work and strategy that goes into trying to win one of these events. Keith has a tough job of handling the press, the corporate brass, his staff and the sometime whiney drivers. His stress level can be very high come race day. After the race the following Sunday we usually head down to a favorite Richmond hangout and watch the Eagles and drink.

This past September we got to spend the weekend with Keith and his wife Donna. (Thanks again!) Her brothers were there with an RV and we had a great time at the track prior to, during and after the actual race! Jimmy Jordan showed up with his friend Mark and it was totally out of hand! Keith can be seen in one picture talking to someone in the winner's circle after the race. The other shots are of Jimmy, Me and his friend Mark, and then of one Jimmy all of these were in the infield at turns 1 and 2.

Hey, I am sure most of the bros (except Morrow) care nothing about NASCAR, but it is really a sport to watch for the drama, (if not for the wrecks!). I guess we have enough drama with T.O. and the Eagles, but sometimes a good pile up on the front stretch is well worth the other stuff!

Take care and I should be around the Philly area before Christmas.

RIP Colonel

Scott Bill sent this over the Thanksgiving Holidays:

It is with deep sadness that we share word of the passing of former SWGP Robert E. Lazzell, West Virginia Alpha ’41. The Colonel, as he has been widely known throughout the Fraternity, and his beloved West ("by God") Virginia Alpha Chapter, served as President from 1990-92, presiding at the Grand Arch Council in San Francisco in 1992. A member of the Order of the S.C., Bob was inducted in 1964 at Denver.

We extend our heartfelt condolences to his widow, Lucille, and to all his children and grandchildren, including his son, Major. Robert E. Lazzell, II, USA (West Virginia Alpha ’85). A complete obituary and remembrance will be found in the Spring Shield, and fuller details on memorial services will follow.

Therefore, in honor and remembrance of "The Colonel," Past President Robert E. Lazzell, I declare a 30-day period of mourning throughout the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity. Accordingly, charters and other fraternal emblems in chapters across the country should be draped in mourning until December 22, 2005. A narrow band of black cloth may be hung around a framed charter; a similar black band, diagonally from upper right to lower left, may obscure the shield.

"May our great ruler in heaven ever guide us," and may Colonel Lazzell find a welcoming embrace among all the brothers in Chapter Eternal.

Fraternally yours,

James R. Blazer II
Ohio Delta 1979