Phi Kappa Psi - Penn Pi - Temple University

Monday, October 31, 2005

BCM - Before Chapter Meeting

L to R: Goodman, unidentified, Condit, Jenkins.

By the way, dig the Flashdance style sweatshirt that Jenkins is sporting.

Caption This

This picture looks like either a) Brady has had enough of Toas' antics and is packing up to leave the second floor of the house or b) this was taken around 1 pm on a Sunday morning after both of them got out of bed.

It's What's In The Background That Counts

That's Caponi in his trademark open-mouthed look that he patented ages ago. Who's that in front in the red? Vassallo?

BC - Before Cell Phones

This is how Winkel rolled before the advent of cellular technology.

I'm Shy ... Like a Japanese School Girl

The "Come Hither" look patented by Flash and used on many unsuspecting females.

Didn't They Almost Have It All

So goes the title of a Whitney Houston song. Seriously, I thought that these two were made for each other. I can hear Jerry Garcia shedding a lonely tear right now.

NOT Girly Men

Oh the subtle undertones!

Body by Lopko

Walt was inspired to take up lifting weights after watching Winkel.

Body By Winkel

The fourth floor of the house was always equipped with state of the art excercise equipment, here were see Winkel get his six-pack abs.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Retro Fun

James contemplating something very serious. Either that or he is taking a drag from a cigarette.

Podrost pretending to read.

Josh, with a luxurious head of hair.

Tony, Josh and Chris. Notice the stylish red all-in-one pajamas sported by Flash. This is why chicks dug him. Also note the clean and very hip room that was mine and Podrost's.

Seriously, Sarge looks like one of the guys from the SNL skit where they sit aroudn eating wings and repeating "Da Bears!"

Looks like a chapter meeting with honorary Phi Psi jack Speise our faculty advisor. I remember one year during Thanksgiving Jack was at the house and was making two turkeys for us. Some a-hole brother went into the over and took a chunk of the turkey out before it had finished cooking. Boy was jack pissed off!