Phi Kappa Psi - Penn Pi - Temple University

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Burdick Checks In

Sorry to not be in touch much brothers, but quite a bit is going on here. I have been living in Haarlem, the Netherlands for the last three years as a groundwater remediation specialist supporting our European operations. I was recently promoted to: Technical Director Europe, Trans National Growth Platform ( a long title I know) and will be working out of our Brussels Belgium office.
I got married two years ago to Neasa Thornton (she's Irish and a few of you may have met her at Temple Hoops games). She is an Eagles fan, thereby passing one of the more important tests. Neasa and I are expecting our first child in exactly one month. We are psyched to be able to have this baby in Belgium.. as in the Netherlands most babies are born at home, without pain meds.. and in the freakin bath tub (seriously we had to watch the video in birth class!). I pushed to name the kid Froderick, but that has not gone over well at all. I have accepted compromise on the baby name as long as it isn't too "Irish strange" - meaning no Fergus or Seamus.

I still have 9 Eagles season tickets in my name (with Al Oswald, Conallen and Sarge Winkel - when he can make it) and I try and catch about 2 home game a season. For those of you who don't know, Conallen got married in April to a lovely gal named Kaycee and they have a sweet pad near Bridgetts in the Art Museum area.

If anyone is coming to Europe for work or pleasure let me know and I can show you around or put you up.

Take Care
FRO 90


  • Jeffro,
    Just did Belgium in December for the 60th Anniversary of the Battle of the Buldge. Specifically Bastogne. What a great country! I plan on getting back in the summer season so I can walk some of the woods around the town. If you have not gotten down there from Brussels I recommend it!
    I also drove the route taken by Monty's guys in the Netherlands for Market Garden, this included Nimejien and Andover. Another fascinating slice of Euro-American history. Congrats on the promotion, the future little one and marriage. I am really enjoying this board that Stan manages...I will be sure and let you know when my next trip is.

    Bro Rich Phillips #66

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/29/2005 10:10:00 AM  

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