Phi Kappa Psi - Penn Pi - Temple University

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Mamma I'm Coming Home

Josh Returns from Tour of Duty

Dear Friends,
I wanted to let you all know that my time on active duty in the blazing and beautiful desert is coming to an end. Since the day I was notified of my mobilization until today you have offered me a level of support I didn't know was possible. I have been overwhelmed by the emails and care packages, the prayers and thoughts of friendship and love, I can not express my gratitude - so I will simply say thank you. I am fortunate to have friends of all backgrounds and political persuasions, and no matter what your personal politics are you have offered me and my comrades strong support, I pray I never have to return the favor (b/c that would mean you are here).

I joined the army believing it was my duty, I came to the Middle East feeling this was as just a war as war could be, horrible, terrifying, but in the end necessary and just. I have learned so much about our enemy and our nation. Make no mistake, there is great evil in the world and that evil will do whatever it takes to destroy what we hold sacred. The boys and girls, soldiers, sailors, marines, airman are fighting for a nation that is a beacon of hope for so many, not perfect, but better than the others . . . they fight, risk, and die for that hope and for each other. I've read a lot of books about soldiers, but until now, I didn't quite understand why young men, boys mostly, would sacrifice so much. Today I know. These soldiers and marines would gladly give up their liberty, spend time away from family in the worst conditions imaginable, and die for our way of life, for our families, for our friends, for those we love and those we don't even know and they do it for each other. I have been lucky to serve with the finest group of soldier-lawyers and soldier-paralegals I have ever served with. They are first and foremost soldiers, willing to lay it on the line, and second they are a great legal staff. I will never forget them for who they are, for why they serve, for what they have taught me, for the friends they have become. I want you all to know the names of those I speak about: LTC Friend, Deputy SJA; MAJ Hernandez, Chief of Military Justice; CPT Ryan, Trial Counsel; CPT Adolph, Contract/Fiscal Law Attorney; CPT Dane Getz, CJA 3rd Perscom; CPT Jonasz, Operational Law Attorney; SFC (P) Woods, NCIOC; SGT Jimenez, NCIOC Tax Center; SGT Chapman, military justice NCOIC; SSG Barry, admin; SGT Ganthier, admin; PV2 Snow, admin; SSG Miller, Legal NCOIC 3rd Perscom; SPC White, MilJus paralegal; and SGM Zaworski. I am honored to have served with them.

But I would not have gotten through it, without the support I received from family and friends. I am so fortunate to have a loving, caring wife . . . the real hero's of this war, and possibly all wars are the military spouses and children. These husbands and wives are forced to give up much of their lives in order to keep the household running. All of the work I did around my house (ok, admittedly not much) Megan was forced to do alone. She had to cook, clean, feed the cats, mow the lawn, shovel snow, change the litter, paint, pay the bills and she did it all without complaining once. She did it all, alone with no one by her side to hold her, to take care of her when she was sick, to do all the little things husbands do for their wives, I am blessed. She thinks I am a hero, I don't know - I don't feel like one, but I'll tell you - Megan, and all those military families, she - they are my heros, and I know my comrades feel the same.

To my friends and family, thank you so much for staying in touch, sending me news from home and care packages, words cannot express how much that helped me overcome the lonliness. I want to assure you that your support of me, and all of the support that we receive from back home makes a difference, it really makes a difference. Your emails, cards, and letters always served to lift me when I was homesick and made me more cognizant of our purpose here.

So, now that I've bored you w/ mush, I will end this tome. I look forward to seeing you shortly and thanking you in person for your support.

Best Wishes and Warmest Regards,


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